Why you should use John Barnes Group for your locksmithing needs in 2023

As the new year approaches, it’s time to consider why you should choose John Barnes Group over any other locksmith in 2023. Below are some of our 2022 successes that prove John Barnes Group is the best locksmith in Brisbane.

Our People

group of apprentices and their trainerThis year saw us put on 3 new apprentices which brings us to have our largest cohort ever (6 full time and 1 school based). Our organisational changes have enabled us to provide these young men with more guidance and support as they pursue careers. We’re excited to see what next year brings as they continue to learn and grow. With interests ranging from safes to access control, they are quickly becoming leaders in their chosen field of locksmithing.

Our Price

Inflation has been a word no one wants to hear this year, us included! To help relieve the strain on your wallet, we constantly price check the market to ensure we remain competitive and affordable for all of our customers. From key cutting to service calls, we always have a secure solution for any budget thanks to our large purchasing power and willingness to buy in bulk.

Our Restricted Key Systems

If you want to upgrade your key system, look no further than John Barnes Group! If there is a restricted keying system on the market that is worth selling, we are a dealer. This year saw us acquire a dealer code for the newly released EVVA 4KS SCEC endorsed system. This profile is now one of the longest patents available for SCEC certified master key systems up to Zone 3 security requirements. This makes it a comparable alternative to the commonly known gold standard high security applications of Bi-Lock and Protec. With over ten keying profiles still under patent, you can be confident that John Barnes Group has a restricted keying system to meet your security requirements and budget.

Find out more about 4KS here: 

John Barnes Service Area Map

Our location

While our headquarters are in Salisbury, South Brisbane, we have locksmiths throughout Brisbane and South-East Queensland. With more than 12 vans on the road, our locksmiths residing across the greater Brisbane and Redland areas from Beenleigh to Petrie and everywhere in between; we have the fleet available to offer locksmith services across Brisbane’s north & south, and beyond.

Online Key Ordering

One of the most exciting things to happen this year was the release of our online key ordering platform. Gone are the days of emailing or faxing through a letterhead with your signature to get a restricted key cut. This platform is available to all current and new customers who hold a restricted master key system with John Barnes Group. You only need to create a log in to order your keys and locks online. Once set up you will receive FREE delivery and be able to order without first obtaining a quote.

If you haven’t already signed up, sign up here now to reap the benefits.

Free Keyed Alike Offer

To cap off the year and thank our customers, we are currently offering to key alike your locks for free*. So if you are looking to do a small holiday renovation,  don’t buy your locks from Bunnings, come on down to John Barnes Group and lock in that key-ring saver today!

*Limited to 15 locks and non-trade customers only. Locks must be purchased from John Barnes Group. Available in store only.

So thank you all our customers new and old for your continued support this year. We hope to provide the same exceptional service next year that saw this year be so great.

Get ahead for next year and give us a call to find your secure solution today.